
Dr. Wende is active in teaching doctors from various medical specialties about the treatment of pain of musculoskeletal origin. Orthopedists, anesthesiologists, rehabilitation doctors, neurologists and family doctors have participated in her courses and most claim that these courses have changed their approach to medicine. She has conducted courses both in Israel and internationally.
These courses teach the doctors to assess the patient in a very thorough manner and then to treat accordingly. Her main message is that in the setting of chronic pain, there is a high probability that there is more than one cause of the pain and almost certainly other functional compensations must be taken into account.

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Treatment Types

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections (PRP)

Stem Cell Injection

Treatment of Localised Neuropathic Pain


Epidural injections and Nerve blocks

Dry Needling

Sources of Pain

Sources of pain

Pain from Tendons and Ligaments

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Neuropathic Pain

פריצת דיסק

Disc prolapse

Pain Radiating from Muscle