Sources of pain

The definition of pain, given by the International Association for the Study of Pain, is:  An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.  Pain levels do not necessarily correspond with the amount of damage to body tissues. In fact there may be no damage at […]

Pain from Tendons and Ligaments

Tears in tendons and ligaments are common consequences of sports injuries. The prevalence of tears in shoulder tendons increases dramatically with age. Prolotherapy, PRP and even stem cell injection are effective methods of treating mild to moderate tears. Injections are performed usually under ultrasound for increased accuracy.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent pathology of the joints. Some
joint replacements are complicated and there are many patients who
cannot undergo an operation. Treatments such as Platelet-Rich Plasma
(PRP) and stem cell injection have the potelntial of healing and
improving function. Operations can be postponed or even deemed
unnecessary altogether

Neuropathic Pain

Do you suffer from localised neuropathic in a region operated on? This may result from a nerve entrapment within the scar tissue, or even within the mesh, if this was in fact implanted. A large volume ‘hydrodissection’ nerve block injected around the nerve, with the aim of separating the nerve from the scar tissue, can potentially significantly alleviate the suffering.

Disc prolapse

פריצת דיסק

Have you ever been told that your back pain is the result of a disc prolapse according to the MRI report? This is not necessarily the cause. There are several sources that can radiate pain down the arm or leg that aren’t seen on imaging. Acute pain from a disc can be treated with an epidural injection. It is important to undergo a very methodical examination before you have an epidural injection, or worse, have an operation that fails due to a wrong diagnosis.

Pain Radiating from Muscle

I have pain for 6 months and am told it’s from muscles? Is that possible? Yes it is! Trigger points within muscles can be perpetuated by faulty biomechanics, poor ergonomics and emotional stress and can last for years. Of course one has to treat the instigating factors, however treatment of the trigger points alongside the causes can bring long-lasting relief.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain affects up to 20% of the population and has been recognised as a disease in itself. Often several pathologies combine to elicit the pain, and it can be challenging to ascertain the cause, especially when most of these causes are not evident on imaging. One must undergo a very thorough evaluation so as to receive an accordingly comprehensive treatment.